At Entre-missions, whether your goal is to move overseas to share the Gospel, to start a children’s home, or to stay in the US and do ministry, we believe that it is very possible to fund yourself. We are tentmakers! I wanted to write a few articles about real estate, since it has impacted our lives so much in the last few years.

Real estate is by far the easiest way to create massive amounts of money. One of the biggest misunderstandings about real estate is that you need a lot of money to get started. If you have no money, there is always a way to use that brain of yours and create some money. Like most things, there is more than one way to ‘skin a cat’ so to speak. For years, we were broke, and lived in poverty. But then, we got smart. I am not saying this because we are smarter than anyone else, we just decided to start reading some books and did something that is the most important: we decided to take action.

I will use some general examples of what we have done in the past with real estate, how the deals were set up, and how you can do it too. Real estate does cost money, but it doesn’t have to be your money. Banks don’t like to lend money to poor people, but it doesn’t have to be a bank. It is a lot of work to fix a house, but you don’t have to be the one fixing it. Whether the market is up or down, there are many ways to get into the game. Let’s look at a few examples of some deals that we have done.

Judith working on one of our properties.

Judith working on one of our properties.

How to get into real estate with no money 

The amount of money you need to get into real estate depends on if you have a good deal. It also depends on if you have a partner. If you have a good deal under contract, it’s easier to find the money. I will use one of our first deals as an example from a few years ago, on how we put one of these together. This deal, although we didn’t make as much money on it as other deals, was worth far more, because this is where our real education began.

I had a partner with cash, so I found a deal at the county auction for a small 2 bed/1 bath house that we won the bid on for $30,000. The deal we set up was for my wife and I to do the work, and our partner would front the money. We would split the earnings if we sold the house. The original plan was to just flip the house, but our partner decided to rent, and just paid us out $10,000 for our time. We were happy because we learned how to flip our first house, and we earned $10,000 with just a few days of work.

My wife and I went in, cleaned out the brush, repainted the inside of the house, put up landscaping, and just cleaned the place up for around $5000. Our expense was $10,000. Our partner rented the house out for several years, at $600/month. So, our here is the math, in general numbers:

Total cost = $45000

Value of the House after renovation = $68,000

Annual Rent/Year = $7200

Taxes and insurance a year = $1600

Net Profit/Year = $5600

ROI/Year = 12.4%

If you are not familiar with ROI, this is an important number to know. This is a number that investors look at when calculating how fast they will get their money back. Investors want to make money, but what they really don’t want to do is lose money. From the numbers above, at $5600/year in net income, divided into the total cost of $45,000, you will have an ROI of around 12.4%. That means that each year, you will get 12.4% of your original money back. Also, if you factor in tax savings, the ROI increases.

We won on this deal because we had no money or experience, but we found a partner who believed in us, but had no time. “If you’ve got the money, I’ve got the time,” just like that old Willie Nelson song. With zero experience on a house, and about 20-30 hrs work, our first deal cleared us $10,000. If you think that is awesome, It was an even better deal for my partner, here are his numbers:

Total Cost = $45,000

Total Profit (over 21 years)= $139,094

After renting the house for six years, bringing in $43,200, he decided to owner finance the house for $75,000 dollars. The price of the house appreciated since we first bought it. The buyer put down $15,000, and we set up a 15 year note, at 7% interest rate to someone. Note that with the down payment of the house, he recovered all of his original investment. Monthly payments to him would be just $449.41, but as the lien holder, he doesn’t have to pay property taxes or insurance on the property, that is the new owners responsibility. The monthly payments become mailbox money. 

The buyers were excited because they didn’t have to worry about going through a bank, and although my partner charged a higher interest rate than a bank, they did have the right to refinance if they wanted, and there was also no PMI. If you’ve bought a house before, after 2008 banks started charging an insurance premium on the mortgage, to protect them against foreclosures, called a PMI. It is robbery really, but when you set up your own note, you can structure one without it. There is an enormous demand for owner-financed homes.

Hopefully this article is helpful to you, let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification. We want to encourage you to find yourself faithful in the little things. If God has called you, he will equip you! Shoot me a line at!

A Giant has died.

This week Billy Graham died. Several times while driving this week I broke down in tears, weeping at the thought of both A) How many people he impacted for Jesus, and B) that I had not been sharing my faith like I know I should have been. 

We had a friend of ours at Church the week before give some free tickets to my wife and I to go to Biltmore Estates in Asheville. It just so happens, that there would be a motorcade for Billy Graham coming through Black Mountain that day at 11:35am. I figured with the masses coming out to see this spiritual giant, Black Mountain would be our best shot at getting to see Billy Graham one last time. We planned on seeing Billy that morning at the motorcade, and then going to Biltmore after lunch.

To describe seeing the people pour out of the woodwork in the little town of Black Mountain was amazing. This motorcade was traveling from Billy’s place at The Cove to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte. The road was packed the entire time. It was indescribable. When the motorcade came pulling through, and they ripped through, I don’t even think they hit the brakes, a deep sense of awe came down on the crowd. It was like you could feel the Holy Spirit. It was wild. It was like watching a funeral procession for Moses or Isaiah or something. I yelled out “God Bless that Man!” as the family drove by, and I could hear people weep as the motorcade passed. It was a surreal moment, a holy and refining moment for the entire crowd.

Billy Graham has literally reached more people for Christ than any other human on the face of the planet. Ever. The man was anointed, and to see the power and the effect of his life, all I had to do was look at the thousands of people that came out just to see that precious man one more time. 

Billy had chosen to be buried in a simple plywood casket just like his wife. The most influential evangelist to live chose to go out in something you could put together from Lowes. In fact, the casket was made by convicted murderers from Angola, Louisiana. Murderers that were forgiven by Christ Jesus they same way I have. What a legacy!

After drying my eyes, Jude and I went back to my truck and we headed down the road to go to Biltmore Estates to see this enormous mansion built by Mr. Vanderbilt. This was also a legacy. One of the richest men in the world, builds the biggest house in the U.S., and most people have to pay $100 bucks to see it. We toured the gardens and the immaculate house. There is no bigger house I have ever seen. I have never been to a palace, but I imagine this is what a palace looks like. Unreal.

Here was what struck me comparing the two. Both Billy Graham and Mr. Vanderbilt have died. Both lived in the same area. One spent his life making vast sums of money, building a mansion that people will marvel at for hundreds of years, and then dying from appendicitis. The other simply spent his life working for God, and was buried in a plywood casket, but I guarantee that Billy’s mansion in heaven will make Biltmore look like government housing.

Who do you think made more of an impact? I would wager that Vanderbilt did not have people lining the streets for miles and miles just to see him one last time and say, “God Bless that man!” These two people’s lives compared to each other made me think of what Jesus said, “What good does it do for a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

Here is where it matters:

We need money. Everybody needs it. Both Billy and Mr. Vanderbilt needed money as well during their lifetimes for various reasons. Money is like a brick, like my dad told me when I was younger. You can take that brick and build a church with it, or you can take a brick and build a prison with it. It’s just a brick. 

The question is this: What am I doing with my bricks? What am I doing with my money? What I am working for? To build or buy bigger houses or wear nice clothes? I don’t give a crap about that stuff. I want to share the Gospel. How can the bricks that I have build his church? How can the bricks I have help fulfill the Great Commission? 

We are not Billy Graham. You are you, and I am me. But we are all called to serve God with whatever we have, no matter how big or small. 


Entre-Missions blog is now up!

Finishing up on a large water development project in the Yunnan Province, 2007. This village was where my first vision of Entre-Missions started for me: Cup of Hope Coffee.


Hey Everyone, 

I am glad you are here. This week has been crazy for my wife and I, but being in the hospital has been a needed break (not so much for my wife). My second daughter, Aura Lee, was born earlier this week and is still in the Neonatal ICU. She is doing fine, she was just a few days early, but still a whopping 10 lbs 6 oz! It looks like we'll get to take her home tomorrow. She is a chunk!

So, where did the vision for Entre-Missions come from? I saw the problem of missionaries coming home. You can read about it here. Why are they coming home? Because there is not enough funding. Back in the day, there was plenty of money from people tithing, but not enough harvesters. Now, it is the opposite. Everyone it seems wants to go, but church giving alone is not sustainable as a model to send everyone. The IMB has been changing it's model to incorporate more local church involvement directly, and that is great. What we want to do is totally different, and equally needed. We train people to start their businesses to support their ministries both here in the US, and in their host community.

So, this is actually my first blog ever. I don't even like the word blog. I don't like the word twitter. But, this is a subject that I think we need to start dealing with as a community. My background is in agricultural development, business development, and education. I own Cup of Hope Coffee, and I am a coffee snob. I REALLY love telling people about Jesus, and these things let me do that. I have started several businesses, most of them still running, and some that have failed. I learn as much from failing as I do success. If you have failed at a venture or an idea, congratulations! You have learned something! You belong here too. Not just perfect people. Are you afraid to start? That is ok! So who is in?

If you know you are called to do missions, then I hope you will become part of the community. Let us know: What is keeping you back right now? Let's look at some solutions.

I am looking forward to this. God bless you!


- Casey